Our Clinic
The Egg Model
centred on the child
in the arms of the family
in the setting of the school
in the care of the health profession
with the support of the community

The MRID Schoolkit provides the key tools to help you set up and maintain school-based clinics to support children and adolescents with complex needs. Schoolkit Clinics bring together the people involved in a student’s care in round-table discussions to address health and educational issues in a holistic manner. Schoolkit Transition Clinics focus specifically on the major changes involved in moving on to post-school life.
The clinic model outlined here is based on the successful school clinics pioneered by Cairnsfoot Special School in collaboration with the Kogarah Developmental Assessment Service, for students with disability. All of the tips, suggestions and resources you’ll find in the MRID Schoolkit have grown directly out of many years of hands-on experience.
Schoolkit Clinics are underpinned by partnerships between the child, families and carers, education, health and other professionals. They place the family and child at the centre of all decisions and can involve teachers, school counsellors, paediatricians, disability workers, dieticians, social workers, nurses, and other specialists.
The MRID Schoolkit is for anyone wanting to improve the health, education and wellbeing of a child with complex needs through a new way of working.
We wish you every success!
In what circumstances would it be appropriate to arrange a
School Clinic for a student with intellectual disability
in your care?
In order to get some ideas that might apply to your
situation, take a look at this short cartoon story about Max.
Max is a 12 year old autistic boy attending a
supported school.
He is having problems both at home with his family and
also at school. His behaviour is becoming more unruly,
and it is unclear what is causing this.
Click on the start button to learn a bit
about his story, how a multidisciplinary clinic
can work, and why this might be the right solution for your school. The story begins with Max
at home. You can see who all the characters are in Max’s life in the cast list above.